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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Few Simple Questions

I have just been on a lovely vacation in the mountains of Upstate New York, relaxing and enjoying the incredible scenery. Places like that are fraught with one particular type of danger - they give you too much time to think. With all of that pondering time available to me, I tend to dwell on what seem to be universal questions without answers. Here are a few of the more vexing ones:

Why do people go on vacation to relax, and then spend every waking moment on some activity or other?

Why does the man who goes into spasms of delight over a 52" screen "Home Theater" television set feel it is equally important to purchase a 2" by 4" screen telephone to watch the same movies?

Why does anyone wear 5" heel, pointed-toe shoes? I studied ballet as a kid, and I know how much it hurts to walk on my toes.

I know I will sound old here, but what the heck does anyone see in Justin Bieber?

Does painting an "accent wall" in your living room mean that no one will notice the rest of the walls? Does that mean you don't need to paint them?

Why does it always cloud over on the nights when the news tells you to look for a special phenomenon in the sky? I missed all of the possible Northern Lights last week, and I will stay angry for a while.

Why are we so darned afraid of things we just don't understand? Wouldn't a little bit more education help here? And while we are on the subject of education:

Why do schools depend so heavily on standardized tests when there is no such thing as a standardized student?

Why do members of every generation think their children have lousy taste in music? Clothing? Art?

What ever happened to teaching manners?

Why is it illegal for me to damage the Mercedes (Lexus, Hummer, BMW, Cadillac) parked in the last Handicapped parking spot when as a result I have no place to park (I do have the required state tag)? All I want to do is write "not handicapped!!!" with a key on the driver's side door.

And finally:

Why do doctors not have to study nutrition in Medical School when everybody knows "you are what you eat"?

This list is to be continued as the author thinks some more.

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